February 18, 2022

Wauconda, IL – The Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) has released its 2022 Buyers' Guide, spotlighting aluminum extrusion sourcing, design and production capabilities. The newly updated Guide provides concise alphabetical listings of Extruder Members including press information, extruder plant capabilities, certifications and staff contacts, all under one cover. In addition, Supplier and Producer Members are cataloged in distinct sections with complete contact information and web addresses for easy access. The Guide's easy-to-use sections include a Geographical listing of Extruder Members and a comprehensive capabilities chart featuring each Extruder Members' plant locations and manufacturing data such as press maximum circle sizes, finishing and fabrication capabilities and more. The digital version of the Guide is accessible online and the printed Buyers' Guide is available to designers, material specifiers, engineers, architects and others upon request.

The Buyers' Guide, one of the Council's most popular publications, promotes extrusion use with value-added content touting the benefits of designing with aluminum extrusions for countless applications in key industries. AEC emphasizes that partnering with the chosen extruder's team can best achieve the greatest cost-value benefits according to specific product needs of the customer. The option of sourcing locally is made easier with member listings for each plant location, and the geographical listing of Extruder Members.   

Additionally, the Guide highlights aluminum extrusions' abilities to assist architects in meeting net-zero emissions mandates such as LEED v4 that is designed to "up the ante with a more flexible, performance-based approach that calls for measurable results throughout a building's lifecycle," as noted on the U.S. Green Building Council's website. A new section on the AEC website examines aluminum extrusions' supportive role in achieving these objectives by providing case examples revealing how others have employed extruded aluminum solutions in the construction of educational buildings, like the one pictured on the cover. The interactive website shows how designers are turning to extruded aluminum building products to help them achieve a variety of educational environment objectives, including Student Learning & Wellbeing, Environmental Stewardship, Student Safety & Security, as well as how, where and why they employ products such as high performance windows, skylights, overhead glazing, sun shades, louvers, light shelves, rooftop PV systems and more. The new interactive section, "Aluminum Extrusions: Facilitating Outstanding Educational Environments" can be accessed at AEC.org/Educational-Environments. 

This year's Buyers' Guide also highlights the challenges of our modern world and how manufacturers are stepping up to meet and exceed expectations. With the continuing challenges forcing businesses to change the way they operate, including supply chain challenges, many of the AEC's members have adjusted operations to provide increased extrusion capacity, safety measures for their employees and customers, and investing in employee training to work with robotics, automation technology and advanced manufacturing methods - all while continuing to deliver the highest quality products. "AEC extruders responded to these challenges and unprecedented demand in historical fashion…by adding extrusion and secondary process capacity, procuring raw materials, and creative strategic use of technology offsetting labor shortages experienced by all," said Mark Butterfield, Managing Director of Shape Corp.'s Aluminum Division. "I'm confident our industry will be recognized for the proactive and effective response to COVID, rather than the COVID event itself." 

The 2022 AEC Buyers' Guide was recently distributed to members and thousands of contacts gathered by AEC.  The online AEC Buyers' Guide digital e-book is now available for download at aecguide.org. 

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