July 21, 2017

Wauconda, Illinois – The Department of Commerce (DOC) today issued its final determination in the 5050 aluminum alloy circumvention case against Zhongwang and other exporters. The DOC has upheld its Preliminary Determination that heat-treated 5050-grade aluminum alloy—regardless of producer, exporter or importer—is covered by the antidumping duty (AD) and countervailing duty (CVD) orders on aluminum extrusions from the People’s Republic of China. Read the ruling here.

Importantly, the Department has also declined to require importers to include a certification with their entry. This is significant because the determination applies to heat-treated 5050 extrusions. If the Department allowed a certification, importers could simply claim that the 5050 extrusion was naturally aged and not artificially aged. This would force Customs to test the product. Without the certification, Customs will now presume a 5050 extrusion entry is subject to the tariffs unless the importer can prove that it was not heat-treated.

Also important to note: cash deposits (i.e., estimated duties) are retroactive back to the effective date of initiation of the circumvention inquiry, which is March 2016. Therefore, all entries of 5050 extrusion from March last year and forward are subject to duties.

This final decision settles the so-called 5050 alloy circumvention scheme once and for all and is another important victory for the domestic aluminum extrusion industry.