November 10, 2022

The Extrusion Technology for Aluminum Profiles Foundation (ET Foundation) and the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC) have issued the Call for Abstracts for papers to be considered for presentation at the Thirteenth International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar-ET '24. The event is scheduled for April 30 through May 2, 2024, at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida, USA. The international aluminum extrusion industry, manufacturers, end users of aluminum extrusions, as well as product engineers and designers are invited to submit technical paper abstracts through the ET '24 Abstract Submissions Portal exclusively via the event website at Abstracts are due no later than February 28, 2023.

The ET program has expanded with seven new and improved session tracks, rather than the previous six tracks. New is the Extrusion Design & Innovation Track, which highlights how end users and extruders often work together to create the most innovative and pioneering design applications for aluminum extrusions. The track will offer new and unique opportunities for authors to showcase extrusion solutions through context studies, streamlined design parameters, material substitution, functionality case studies, and more. Abstracts are invited from extruders and end users alike, covering such topics as component and product innovations, new and novel extrusion applications, applications leading to process improvements, etc. ET '24 will also highlight presentations from - and focusing on - end users and the markets supplied by aluminum extrusions, including automotive and transportation, building and construction, sustainability and recyclability, energy and electrical, HVAC and refrigeration, medical/healthcare, and more.

Authors are encouraged to submit paper abstracts of no more than 150 words to be considered for presentation, which will be arranged in the following seven tracks:

  • Alloys & Billet Process
  • Extrusion Equipment
  • Extrusion & Die Process Application
  • Sustainability & Management
  • Extrusion & Die R&D
  • Extrusion Finishes & Fabrication
  • Extrusion Design & Innovation

Presentations at ET '24 are expected to address topics specifically related to aluminum extrusion, such as new processes or techniques, the use of new and updated equipment, best practices, sustainability and environmental issues, market developments, product applications, metallurgical and manufacturing research, emerging technology, and more.  

Selected authors will be invited to submit technical papers based on abstracts reviewed by the ET Seminar Committee, which is comprised of aluminum extrusion industry professionals and academics involved in extrusion and related scientific research.  

Papers of a technical, practical, operational, or theoretical nature are encouraged for ET ‘24. Renowned experts are prominent among ET authors, although not every author needs to have a lengthy set of credentials. Solid common-sense work reflecting real-world extrusion practice is welcome.

"The ET Seminar is known throughout the aluminum industry as the premier essential technical conference for global aluminum extrusion and the industry it serves - and that includes professionals that use aluminum extruded products," said ET Seminar Committee Chairman Jerome Fourmann, Senior Director, Technical Marketing - Metals & Minerals for Rio Tinto, headquartered in Chicago, Illinois. "We are expanding ET's reach to include the markets that extrusions serve to further develop the line of communication between the extrusion industry and end users. We hope this will make extrusions more accessible and recognized among product engineers, designers and others who may not be familiar with the many advantages of aluminum extrusions, building on the collaborative relationship between the aluminum extrusion industry and the markets they serve," Fourmann continued.

Accepted papers will be published in the Proceedings of ET '24, distributed to all delegates. For more than 50 years, ET papers have delivered cutting-edge information and problem-solving resources for the industry; ET Proceedings have become one of the industry's most valuable resources and are frequently referenced in other technical publications. The ET Seminar is considered by many to be the best setting for presenting aluminum extrusion technical research.

To stay abreast of the latest developments about ET '24, be sure to follow the ET Foundation on LinkedIn for all updates, as well as ET Seminar on Facebook and Twitter. Visit the ET '24 conference website at for complete information as it becomes available.

ET '24, the Thirteenth International Aluminum Extrusion Technology Seminar and Exposition, is the world's longest-running educational event solely devoted to all facets of the aluminum extrusion industry, including aluminum profile production, die design and technology, metallurgy, equipment, product applications, sustainability, and more. ET attracts upwards of 1,300 industry professionals from around the world, representing more than 50 countries. ET '24 is produced by the Extrusion Technology for Aluminum Profiles Foundation (ET Foundation) in cooperation with the Aluminum Extruders Council (AEC). Visit the website at for the latest information.