Fair Trade Enforcement

Want to learn about AEC's efforts in Fair Trade enforcement? On this page you'll find information pertaining to U.S. Department of Justice actions and information you should know about reporting trade violations.

AEC Trade Alerts 

What to do if You Suspect Circumvention

There is a steady flow of allegations of illegal tariff avoidance—or circumvention—all of which are subject to investigation by the U.S. Department of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). To retain the legitimacy of the tariff orders and continue this level playing field, all members of the industry are encouraged to report suspicion of such violations.

To report possible cases of circumvention, you may either contact the Aluminum Extruders Council (mail@aec.org or use the Contact Us form) or go online to the "e-allegations" system maintained by the U.S. government.

This system allows citizens to confidentially report suspected violations of international trade laws and regulations. These violations can include misclassification of merchandise, false country of origin markings, health and safety issues, valuation issues, and intellectual property rights.

You may wish to view answers to frequently asked questions, report a trade violation online or report a violation by phone at 1.800.BE.ALERT (1.800.232.5378).