Helpful Resources
Here is a list of resources provided by AEC on the Fair Trade Initiative:
Section 232 Investigation: The Trump Administration has initiated a Section 232 Investigation on the Effects of Imports of Aluminum on U.S. National Security. This move creates both opportunities and risks to our industry. The Department of Commerce will hold a public hearing on the investigation on June 22, 2017, in Washington, DC. If you are an extruder in the U.S. learn how you can help here.
Campaign Updates: AEC provides regular updates on the status of the Fair Trade Initiative on the main Fair Trade page. To view any of the updates since the beginning of the campaign please click here.
FAQs: Have a question about the Fair Trade Initiative? You're not alone! View the most FAQs about the campaign.
Fair Trade...It Matters! Webinar: View the webinar presented by Rand Baldwin, AEC President, and Duncan Crowdis, President of Bonnell Aluminum (retired) on September 24, 2013.
Fair Trade...It Matters! Webinar Slides: Download the slide presentation from this webinar
Shaping Solutions Together Blog: AEC provides a useful resource for the industry featuring various guest authors.
Fair Trade Banner Graphic: Download this electronic .jpg file to show your support of the AEC Fair Trade Initiative. Please note - this banner must be linked to
Fair Trade Timeline: Download this helpful graphic depicting the chronological order of the Fair Trade Tariffs.
China Tariffs Bring 600MM+ Pounds Back to U.S. Extruders
Note: Chinese share peaked at just over 20% in early 2010. If that share then stabilized at that level in 2012, it would have cost US extruders nearly 800 million pounds, idling as many as 100 presses and thousands of employees; if Chinese share had continued to grow... the loss would have been even greater. It is fair to say that the tariffs on imported extrusions from China rescued the U.S. aluminum extrusion industry.