Mechanical Finishes

Mechanical finishing can create surface textures from rough, to matte, to mirror-like or specular. Mechanical finishing is usually done to improve the surface quality of the profile in preparation for further cosmetic finishes. The textures are produced by a variety of mechanical methods, including:

  • Blasting (abrasive, shot, or glass bead)
  • Brushing
  • Buffing
  • Burnishing
  • Grinding
  • Polishing
  • Sanding
  • Tumbling

Finishing Methods

These methods may be applied as a final surface finish, to improve surface quality or as preparation for a variety of final cosmetic finishes. The type of finish selected aluminum extrusions depends on the use of the product and preferences for the market. In some instances, no coating is required at all; the only aspect of finishing the designer or specifier need address is the surface texture and appearance. Mechanical finishing may be all that is required.

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