Responsible Material Selection 

Aluminum extrusion -based products can help designers avoid "Red List materials." Groups such as the International Living Futures Institute (ILFI) and their Living Building Challenge have compiled lists of chemicals and compounds considered to be worst-in-class materials in terms of toxicity when used in buildings. Avoiding these Red List products is intended to ensure that building occupant health is protected. 

Safe Choices

Aluminum extrusions -- as well as polyurethane and polyamide thermal barrier materials -- are not considered toxic and do not appear on the Red List. Review the AEC white paper, "Aluminum Extrusions: Building Occupant Health and  Safety" for more information.

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Aluminum extrusions used in building materials are furnished in mill, anodized, or painted (liquid or powder) finishes. Extrusions are naturally free of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), whether in mill finish, anodized, or painted. Low-VOC liquid paints are managed during application in the manufacturing facility and are not associated with off-gassing from cured, final product.